The Hanhalah at Mercaz Hatorah is comprised of dedicated talmidei chochomim drawn from renowned yeshivas, who work in partnership with the Rosh HaYeshiva to provide a curriculum compromising high Talmudic scholarship with a strong emphasis on mussar. The growth and development of each talmid’s intellect and character is the goal. This goal is achieved through the yeshiva’s demanding curriculum presented in a warm and nurturing environment by the gifted mechanchim with extraordinary middos.
Rosh HaYeshiva
The Rosh HaYeshiva, Rabbi Dicker, grew up with the Belle Harbor Yeshiva and now is continuing his father’s great legacy. Following closely in his father’s footsteps, the founding Rosh Yeshiva R’ Levi Dicker Zt’L, the Rosh Yeshiva has taken all the endearing qualities of his father while adding his own unique touch and personal character. The Rosh Yeshiva is famous for his endless patience, kind demeanor, and his “sixth sense” which allows him to clearly see how a Talmid is feeling or what he needs. He also has a tremendous ability to make the most complicated sugyas accessible to all talmidim. With his trademark patience, he can often be found reiterating a svara many times over if that’s what it will take for a Bachur to fully grasp and appreciate the Gemara. The Rosh Yeshiva’s ahavas hatorah and complete dedication to the Bachurim and the Yeshiva creates an atmosphere at Belle Harbor that is warm and peaceful and an optimal setting for growth and hasmadas hatorah.
Rabbi Yosef Goldstein
9th Grade Rebbi / Menahel
Rabbi Goldstein – Our effervescent menahel is a fast moving ball of energy but when it comes to speaking with a Talmid who needs him the world seems to stop. His deep love for each Bachur is apparent in the devoted way he advocates for them and gives each one endless amounts of personal time. Not only is the boys’ Ruchnius of paramount importance to Rabbi Goldstein, he also makes sure that they are not lacking in any gashmius. Like a father, he will happily spend his own money, give up hours of his day, and work as hard as possible to make sure every detail is perfect when it comes to his Bachurim. This doesn’t stop once the boys leave either. Rabbi Goldstein has a lifelong kesher with each bachur and helps tremendously with their shidduchim, parnassa, and any advice that is needed.
Rabbi Michoel Marcus
lOth Grade Rebbi
Rabbi Yehoshua Cogan
11th Grade Rebbi
Rabbi Aaron Chaim Lapidoth
Shoel U'meishiv
Rabbi Avraham Cooper
Shoel U'meishiv
Rabbi Benzion Dicker
Shoel U'meishiv
Rabbi Dovid Glucksman
Shoel U'meishiv
Rabbi Yerachmiel Hiller
Shoel U'meishiv
Rabbi Yehoshua Rosenblum
Night Seder / Shoel U’meishiv
Shoel U’meishiv
Shoel U’meishiv